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Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine, filiform needles through the skin at specific anatomical points to influence physiological functioning of the body for therapeutic purposes.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which the Chinese herb, Mugwort, is used to warm areas of the body and acupuncture points to enahnce circulation, support the immune system, and relieve pain. ​ ​
Cupping is a healing technique that uses small cups as suction devices that are placed on the skin.  When toxins or cell waste stagnate in the muscles or joints, the body has a difficult time with waste disposal. Cupping draws up underlying tissue and pulls blood to a region to release toxins, improve circulation, reduce pain, and ease muscle soreness. ​ ​
Gua Sha is a healing technique that entails sliding a smooth-edged instrument along the skin where a subcutaneous injury or imbalance resides.  This action enhances circulation allowing nutrients to flow to tissues and metabolic wastes to be carried away.  Gua Sha also reduces inflammation, releases toxins, and promotes healing of injured tissue. ​ ​